OIL - Outsource International Ltd
OIL stands for Outsource International Ltd
Here you will find, what does OIL stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Outsource International Ltd? Outsource International Ltd can be abbreviated as OIL What does OIL stand for? OIL stands for Outsource International Ltd. What does Outsource International Ltd mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Berks, West Berkshire.
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Alternative definitions of OIL
- Outside/ Inside Linebacker
- Ontology Inference Layer
- Triton Energy, LTD.
- Operation Iraqi Liberation
- Ontology Interchange Language
- Optimized Invocation Layer
- Office of Instructional Leader
- Oil India Limited
View 75 other definitions of OIL on the main acronym page
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- OCS Optimum Computer Solutions
- OMLPL Orient Marine Lines Pvt. Ltd.
- OLPL Oscar Leathers Pvt Ltd
- OPH Osborne Park Hospital
- OS Orchestra of the Swan
- OFML Ocean Finance and Mortgages Ltd
- OCG Orange County Government
- OSAHP OSA Hybrid Platform
- OSDH Omni San Diego Hotel
- OFC Odyssey Fitness Center
- ORA Open Realty Advisors
- OEC Or En Cash
- OT On the Tools
- OFBF Ohio Farm Bureau Federation
- OCI Orthopedic Center of Illinois